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Santa Ana Community Land Trust

We Build Community


THRIVE is the first and only community land trust (CLT) in Santa Ana, founded by local residents and community organizations with 100 years combined experience in resident-led initiatives.  Dedicated to building community wealth and healthy neighborhoods through land stewardship and multi-generational resident leadership, THRIVE works with community members on neighborhood needs assessments, data analysis, and community visioning -- promoting dialogue between residents and the City about local, unmet needs including housing, micro-farms, community spaces, and local small businesses.


What is CLT?

 CLT is a nonprofit corporation that develops and stewards project as, affordable housing, community gardens, civic buildings, commercial spaces, and other community assets on behalf of a community.   Here is a video about CLTs by Grounded Solutions, a national CLT network. 

Our Value

THRIVE has raised the standard of community involvement in planning, neighborhood design, and land use decisions through the consistent input of local residents.

Our Work

We are committed to developing projects that benefit local residents including deeply affordable housing, open space, parks, microfarms and gardens, community facilities and other needs identified by the community.

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